The below are anonymous comments provided by participants when they filled out our program evaluation.
Past Participant Comments 2024
“I love the variety of topics and speakers.”
“[My favorite thing about the conference was the] presenting on GMV’s.”
“The keynote speaker was great.”
“I learned new ways of how to do things.”
Past Participant Comments 2022
“It’s perfect!”
“Everything was enjoyable.”
“Good Venue for students and residents to present in a safe setting.”
“The speakers and format were great.”
“I liked the small setting and ability for more meaningful discussion. It was well organized and ran smoothly and at a great setting.”
“With this program, solutions are being created and transmitted to health deficiencies.”
“[I enjoyed] learning about other resources and spreading awareness about our clinic and how physicians and volunteers can help.”
Past Participant Comments 2021 – Virtual Conference
“There were so many great topics to choose from that I had a hard time deciding which panel to attend.”
“As best as a virtual conference could be! Love this conference.”
“Thought it was well organized and informative.”
“Everyone did a fantastic job! Thank you for a fun and educational experience.”
“[Favorite thing about the conference was] the innovative content, amazing keynote speakers, opportunities for networking.”
Past Participant Comments 2020
“Great topics, liked all of the evidence-based projects presented and the variety of breakout sessions to choose from.”
“Inspired to do better!”
“Conference was very inspiring and organized.”
“Really enjoyed learning today and networking with colleagues.”
“I loved the poster presenters and several options for each session.”
“This was the best primary care program I have attended.”
Past Participant Comments 2019
“I love the conference – it is very relevant for the today’s Primary Care Practice.”
“The diversity of the topics and networking is a great incentive for this program.”
“Love the ideas and energy of this conference!”
“The speakers and the topics throughout the day were all very interesting!”
“[The collaborative lunch] allowed for groups with similar interests to organically connect and network.”
“Talks were short and full of information, lots of choices”
Past Participant Comments 2018
“Enjoyed the opportunity to hear about some of the programs being developed in our institution.”
“The venue was beautiful, making sure that posted signs on the doors for different talks was helpful and very efficient, the food was delicious, and topics discussed throughout the day were very interesting.”
“The program was excellent!”
“Enjoyed the program very much-particularly impressed by the enthusiasm of the speakers.”
“Good keynote, good diversity of presentation topics. Relevant.”
“Enjoyed interacting with the medical students who were present.”
“Great speakers. Great topics.”
“Excellent conference and sharing of ideas!”
“I truly enjoyed this experience and hope to attend the conference again in the future! A great amount of organization went into this and it was evident in the smoothness and quality of the event.”
“Venue was excellent; comfortable and technologically up to date”
Past Participant Comments 2017
“This was one of the best conferences I have been to!”
“Content, speakers, and quality of organization and facilities were excellent!”
“The content was truly great and the keynote speaker was excellent as well – really helped set the stage for the rest of the day.”
“Good networking available at the conference during breaks, which is a major important thing about attending a conference in general.”
“Loved the energy and all speakers/classes”
“Truly fantastic program and I would definitely attend again!”
“The best location-and beautiful building- clean-open -sunny”